Catharsis was a weekly short-story project that took place over 2014-2015. These are a collection of stories that aimed to push ideas of genre and tone.
As part of my Colin Thiele Creative Writing Scholarship, I attempted to be more rigorous with my writing output. I wrote and uploaded new creative work every Monday at 9am, every week for a year. The work was written quickly, without pre-meditation, over the course of the previous week, given a cursory edit, and uploaded for consumption. There was no mandate on the length, content, or type of material. Some are pretty good. Some aren't so much. But they were all important.
Catharsis was also a collaboration with artist David Keen. David is an illustrator and painter based in Adelaide, whose work focuses on narrative and fantastical imagery. After completing the feature image for the Catharsis project, David came on board to contribute a work for each weekly story. David was given the story a week prior to upload, and, like me, had seven days to respond to it. These are instinctual responses, without any kind of direction from me, and as such formed an interesting counterpoint and complimentary point of view to my writing.
Illustration © 2014, David Keen